Who We Are

The Grants Pass High School Band & Color Guard Boosters is a Public Benefit Corporation organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and/or scientific purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The organization membership consists of the Board of Directors, all non-voting officers,  parents/guardians of all District #7 high school band and color guard students, band and color guard alumni, and community supporters.

Click here for current organization Bylaws.

What We Do

The Band Boosters are a dedicated group of people who volunteer their time and talent to ensure the success of each band and color guard student of G.P.H.S. We are here to support the needs of our organization providing vital support to all aspects of the program. We serve as your communication liaison, offer fundraising opportunities, coordinate volunteers, build and maintain props, manage uniform fittings, host events and so much more.


The G.P.H.S. Band Boosters is proud to offer various scholarship opportunities throughout the year for our students.

Each year we offer a scholarship for eligible seniors with the Josephine County Educational Fund as well as financial aid for families.

For more information on our scholarship, please visit:


For more information regarding financial aid, please email:

president@gphsband.org or Lucy Ireland at LIrelandL@grantspass.k12.or.us

Who can be a Band Booster?

A Band Booster is any parent or guardian of a student in the band or color guard program. As soon as your child begins his/her band program, you become a booster! All are encouraged to be an active member and volunteer for the benefit of our students. Whatever your skills and talents, there is a way that you can contribute!

A few examples of the many opportunities to get involve include:

Serve as a Board Member

Volunteer as a Committee Chair

Help with Building Props

Event Volunteer

Trip Chaperone

Assist with Uniform Fittings

Want more information on how you can get involved? Please email president@gphsband.org.